Bar Plivazky

Bar Plivazky ( B. 1998, Israel, Haifa) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, NY

Every day I draw from life. I do not demand much, just try to stay still. Bacon insisted on painting his figures free of their presence in the room, for he claimed they disturb him to paint. This sensation of `discomfort` and otherness feeds my works- for it is a psychological work. Navigating this Lucian-Freudian approach, it is about setting up traps and developing them in order to capture a fleshly essence. like the glaring stare of the panther I practice hunting. 

After some brief polite greetings between the naked and its `representer`, that is when beautiful hours of silent primitive substance expression spark. The life in front of me and I are exchanging a poignant muted duet. Expansion- every stroke in the pictorial plane unfurls deserts.

Matisse wrote that a drawing is like an acrobatics exercise, and I agree for its an effort that requires devoted practice and a pre warm out, and in a like manner, it is also done in an erratic continuous swinging motion.

I love painting, I think about it all the time. This two-dimensional world is many things, its history is rich, its philosophy is such an existing subject and, fundamentally, the practice of it is a pinnacle of human aspiration.

I draw mainly with pastel, charcoal and pencil. I see myself as a draughts- woman who lays out the plans for human anatomy machines, it is also apparent that I take this approach to painting. As a colorist I work with optical color,  cross hatching and more.. Areas of studies I draw from include; Morphology, Greek mythology, the bible, art history, literature, post- humanism and gender studies.

Studio Portrait, 2020

Studio Portrait, 2024

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